
About Cep

Cep Pinot noir and Syrah are made solely from barrels of Peay Vineyards’ estate wines that through the blending process were not selected for a Peay Pinot Noir or Syrah.

We always make the Peay wines without knowing the production amounts of various potential blends. That way we focus exclusively on quality and do not consider financial implications when determining which wines will make the cut. This may mean we bottle only 70-80% of what we grow and make under the Peay label.

It is the price of ensuring Peay wines meet our and your quality standards. The remaining barrels of wine – grown and made using the same exacting processes and standards as they are intended for Peay bottlings – become Cep wines.

What Cep Say

A few years ago, we got the itch to make Rosé and Sauvignon Blanc and discovered a vineyard in the Russian River Valley – Hopkins – where we could make fresh, bright, and crisp wines and added them to the Pinot Noir and Syrah we make under the Cep label. These wines are similar in spirit and intention to Peay wines.

Cep Vineyard

What Jennifer loves

Fun expressions of Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir in beautiful bottles. Perfect garden party pairing. Easy drinking and a joy in the glass.

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Tasting Room and Curation Space

The Oxford Union, Frewin Court, Oxford, OX1 3JB

Join us at the 67 York Street
14th to 17th September

Cool Places. Cool Wines.